2017 - Volume 6

2017 - Volume 6 Community

Volume 6, Issue 1 (January 2017)

Volume 6, Issue 1 (January 2017)

Pages 1-124 (January 2017)


A pilot study of an acceptance-based behavioral treatment for binge eating disorder

A pilot study of an acceptance-based behavioral treatment for binge eating disorder admin

A preliminary examination of willingness and importance as moderators of the relationship between statistics anxiety and performance

A preliminary examination of willingness and importance as moderators of the relationship between statistics anxiety and performance jessicaauzenne

Assessment of the Body Image-Acceptance and Action Questionnaire in a female residential eating disorder treatment facility

Assessment of the Body Image-Acceptance and Action Questionnaire in a female residential eating disorder treatment facility jessicaauzenne

Changes of valued behaviors and functioning during an Acceptance and Commitment Therapy Intervention

Changes of valued behaviors and functioning during an Acceptance and Commitment Therapy Intervention jessicaauzenne

Cognitive Fusion Questionnaire: Exploring measurement invariance across three groups of Brazilian women and the role of cognitive fusion as a mediator in the relationship between rumination and depression

Cognitive Fusion Questionnaire: Exploring measurement invariance across three groups of Brazilian women and the role of cognitive fusion as a mediator in the relationship between rumination and depression jessicaauzenne

Cognitive fusion, experiential avoidance, and their interactive effect: Examining assocaitions with thwarted belongingness and perceived burdersomeness

Cognitive fusion, experiential avoidance, and their interactive effect: Examining assocaitions with thwarted belongingness and perceived burdersomeness jessicaauzenne

Correlates of psychological inflexibility mediate the relation between alexithymic traits and positive emotions

Correlates of psychological inflexibility mediate the relation between alexithymic traits and positive emotions jessicaauzenne

Establishing derived conditioned symmetrical and transitive gustatory-visual-auditory relations in children with autism and related intellectual disabilities using the PEAK-E curriculum

Establishing derived conditioned symmetrical and transitive gustatory-visual-auditory relations in children with autism and related intellectual disabilities using the PEAK-E curriculum jessicaauzenne

Evaluation of a web-based acceptance and commitment therapy program for women with trauma-related problems: A pilot study

Evaluation of a web-based acceptance and commitment therapy program for women with trauma-related problems: A pilot study jessicaauzenne

Examining gender-STEM bias among STEM and non-STEM students using the Implicit Relational Assessment Procedure (IRAP)

Examining gender-STEM bias among STEM and non-STEM students using the Implicit Relational Assessment Procedure (IRAP) jessicaauzenne

Feasibility and preliminary effectiveness of acceptance and commitment training for academic success of at-risk college students from low income families

Feasibility and preliminary effectiveness of acceptance and commitment training for academic success of at-risk college students from low income families jessicaauzenne

Posttraumatic stress symptom severity and functional impairment in a trauma-exposed sample: A preliminary examination into the moderating role of valued living

Posttraumatic stress symptom severity and functional impairment in a trauma-exposed sample: A preliminary examination into the moderating role of valued living jessicaauzenne

Showing up for class: Training graduate students in acceptance and commitment therapy

Showing up for class: Training graduate students in acceptance and commitment therapy jessicaauzenne

The relative importance of rumination, experiential avoidance and mindfulness as predictors of depressive symptoms

The relative importance of rumination, experiential avoidance and mindfulness as predictors of depressive symptoms jessicaauzenne

The role of experiential avoidance in the relation between anxiety disorder diagnoses and future physical health symptoms in a community sample of young adult women

The role of experiential avoidance in the relation between anxiety disorder diagnoses and future physical health symptoms in a community sample of young adult women jessicaauzenne

Understanding the effect of attachment styles in paranoid ideation: The mediator role of experiential avoidance

Understanding the effect of attachment styles in paranoid ideation: The mediator role of experiential avoidance jessicaauzenne

Validation and invariance testing of the Greek adaptation of the Acceptance and Action Questionnaire-II across clinical vs. nonclincal samples and sexes

Validation and invariance testing of the Greek adaptation of the Acceptance and Action Questionnaire-II across clinical vs. nonclincal samples and sexes jessicaauzenne

Volume 6, Issue 2 (April 2017)

Volume 6, Issue 2 (April 2017)

Pages 125-244 (April 2017)


Acceptance and Commitment Therapy for adolescent depression: Application with a diverse and predominantly socioeconomically disadvantaged sample

Acceptance and Commitment Therapy for adolescent depression: Application with a diverse and predominantly socioeconomically disadvantaged sample jessicaauzenne

Adding a functional utility score to the evaluation of behavioral health screens in integrated care settings: What's all the FUS about?

Adding a functional utility score to the evaluation of behavioral health screens in integrated care settings: What's all the FUS about? jessicaauzenne

An Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) intervention for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS): A case series approach

An Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) intervention for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS): A case series approach jessicaauzenne

An implementation trial of ACT-based bibliotherapy for irritable bowel syndrome

An implementation trial of ACT-based bibliotherapy for irritable bowel syndrome jessicaauzenne

Assessing and training children with autism spectrum disorder using the relational evaluation procedure (REP)

Assessing and training children with autism spectrum disorder using the relational evaluation procedure (REP) jessicaauzenne

Case study: A novel application of mindfulness- and acceptance-based components to treat misophonia

Case study: A novel application of mindfulness- and acceptance-based components to treat misophonia jessicaauzenne

Citation analysis of relational frame theory: 2009-2016

Citation analysis of relational frame theory: 2009-2016 jessicaauzenne

Coping through avoidance may explain gender disparities in anxiety

Coping through avoidance may explain gender disparities in anxiety jessicaauzenne

Mindfulness, self-compassion and psychological flexibility mediate the effects of a mindfulness-based intervention in a sample of oncology nurses

Mindfulness, self-compassion and psychological flexibility mediate the effects of a mindfulness-based intervention in a sample of oncology nurses jessicaauzenne

On the efficacy of mindfulness, defusion, and behavioral skills training on job interviewing skills in dually-diagnosed adults with developmental disorders

On the efficacy of mindfulness, defusion, and behavioral skills training on job interviewing skills in dually-diagnosed adults with developmental disorders jessicaauzenne

Psychological flexibility as a malleable public health target: Evidence from a representative sample

Psychological flexibility as a malleable public health target: Evidence from a representative sample jessicaauzenne

Psychological inflexibility as a mediator of the relationship between depressive symptom severity and public stigma in depression

Psychological inflexibility as a mediator of the relationship between depressive symptom severity and public stigma in depression jessicaauzenne

Reliance on experiential avoidance in the context of relational aggression: Links to internalizing and externalizing problems and dysphoric mood among urban, minority adolescent girls

Reliance on experiential avoidance in the context of relational aggression: Links to internalizing and externalizing problems and dysphoric mood among urban, minority adolescent girls jessicaauzenne

The role of psychological flexibility in migraine headache impact and depression

The role of psychological flexibility in migraine headache impact and depression jessicaauzenne

Unmet psychosocial supportive care needs and psychological distress in haematological cancer survivors: The moderating role of psychological flexibility

Unmet psychosocial supportive care needs and psychological distress in haematological cancer survivors: The moderating role of psychological flexibility jessicaauzenne

Usefulness of the ACT model for nurses in psychiatric inpatient care: A qualitative content analysis

Usefulness of the ACT model for nurses in psychiatric inpatient care: A qualitative content analysis jessicaauzenne

What happens after five years?: The long-term effects of a four-session Acceptance and Commitment Therapy delivered by student therapists for depressive symptoms

What happens after five years?: The long-term effects of a four-session Acceptance and Commitment Therapy delivered by student therapists for depressive symptoms jessicaauzenne

Volume 6, Issue 3 (July 2017)

Volume 6, Issue 3 (July 2017)

Pages 245-346 (July 2017)


A preliminary exploration of education values, distress, and acceptance among self-identified white and non-white incoming college freshmen at a private university

A preliminary exploration of education values, distress, and acceptance among self-identified white and non-white incoming college freshmen at a private university jessicaauzenne

Carrying the baton: Evolution science and a contextual behavioral analysis of language and cognition

Carrying the baton: Evolution science and a contextual behavioral analysis of language and cognition jessicaauzenne

Conceptual advances in the cognitive neuroscience of learning: Implications for relational frame theory

Conceptual advances in the cognitive neuroscience of learning: Implications for relational frame theory jessicaauzenne

Contextual behavioral science and global mental health: Synergies and opportunities

Contextual behavioral science and global mental health: Synergies and opportunities jessicaauzenne

Dimensionality and validity of the Committed Action Questionnaire (CAQ-8) in a chronic pain and university student population

Dimensionality and validity of the Committed Action Questionnaire (CAQ-8) in a chronic pain and university student population jessicaauzenne

Empirical advances in studying relational networks

Empirical advances in studying relational networks jessicaauzenne

Environmental regularities as a concept for carving up the realm of learning research: Implications for Relational Frame Theory

Environmental regularities as a concept for carving up the realm of learning research: Implications for Relational Frame Theory jessicaauzenne

Further validation of the Chronic Pain Values Inventory in a Swedish chronic pain sample

Further validation of the Chronic Pain Values Inventory in a Swedish chronic pain sample jessicaauzenne

Pre-deployment trait anxiety, anxiety sensitivity and experiential avoidance predict war-zone stress-evoked psychopathology

Pre-deployment trait anxiety, anxiety sensitivity and experiential avoidance predict war-zone stress-evoked psychopathology jessicaauzenne

Teaching perspective-taking skills to an adult with Down syndrome: A case study

Teaching perspective-taking skills to an adult with Down syndrome: A case study jessicaauzenne

The acceptance and commitment therapy matrix mobile app: A pilot randomized trial on health behaviors

The acceptance and commitment therapy matrix mobile app: A pilot randomized trial on health behaviors jessicaauzenne

The relationship between derived mutually entailed relations and the function of challenging behavior in children with autism: Comparing the PEAK-E-PA and the QABF

The relationship between derived mutually entailed relations and the function of challenging behavior in children with autism: Comparing the PEAK-E-PA and the QABF jessicaauzenne

Volume 6, Issue 4 (October 2017)

Volume 6, Issue 4 (October 2017)

Pages 347-446 (October 2017)


A functional approach to understanding and treating military-related moral injury

A functional approach to understanding and treating military-related moral injury jessicaauzenne

Beyond symptom severity: The differential impact of distress tolerance and reward responsiveness on quality of life in depressed and non-depressed individuals

Beyond symptom severity: The differential impact of distress tolerance and reward responsiveness on quality of life in depressed and non-depressed individuals jessicaauzenne

Burnout and depression in medical students: Relations with avoidance and disengagement

Burnout and depression in medical students: Relations with avoidance and disengagement jessicaauzenne

Corrigendum to "Teaching perspective-taking skills to an adult with Down syndrome: A case study"

Corrigendum to "Teaching perspective-taking skills to an adult with Down syndrome: A case study" jessicaauzenne

Development of a motivational interviewing/acceptance and commitment therapy model for adolescent substance abuse treatment

Development of a motivational interviewing/acceptance and commitment therapy model for adolescent substance abuse treatment jessicaauzenne

Exploring process variables through which acceptance-based behavioral interventions may improve weight loss maintenance

Exploring process variables through which acceptance-based behavioral interventions may improve weight loss maintenance jessicaauzenne

From the IRAP and REC model to a multi-dimensional multi-level framework for analyzing the dynamics of arbitrarily applicable relational responding

From the IRAP and REC model to a multi-dimensional multi-level framework for analyzing the dynamics of arbitrarily applicable relational responding jessicaauzenne

How do we cope with ostracism? Psychological flexibility moderates the relationship between everyday ostracism experiences and psychological distress

How do we cope with ostracism? Psychological flexibility moderates the relationship between everyday ostracism experiences and psychological distress jessicaauzenne

Mindfulness and acceptance-based trainings for fostering self-care and reducing stress in mental health professionals: A systematic review

Mindfulness and acceptance-based trainings for fostering self-care and reducing stress in mental health professionals: A systematic review jessicaauzenne

Relationship science informed clinically relevant behaviors in Functional Analytic Psychotherapy: The Awareness, Courage, and Love Model

Relationship science informed clinically relevant behaviors in Functional Analytic Psychotherapy: The Awareness, Courage, and Love Model jessicaauzenne

Trusting homeostatic cues versus accepting hedonic cues: A randomized control trial comparing two distinct mindfulness-based intervention components

Trusting homeostatic cues versus accepting hedonic cues: A randomized control trial comparing two distinct mindfulness-based intervention components jessicaauzenne

What is the evidence for the efficacy of self-help acceptance and commitment therapy? A systematic review and meta-analysis

What is the evidence for the efficacy of self-help acceptance and commitment therapy? A systematic review and meta-analysis jessicaauzenne