USA Tax Tips

USA Tax Tips
While you're a USA chapter of ACBS, ACBS does not do tax reporting for chapters (aka "group return").  (That would require us to audit all of your financial activities throughout the year, and verify all accounting.)
You have a simple option though.  If your gross receipts are normally less than $50,000 you can complete the 990 e-postcard.  This shouldn't take you more than 15 minutes. As a non-profit, no money is due.  Only the reporting. You'll need a Tax ID first.

I found some really helpful information about how to complete a 990-N postcard.  (See pages 13-15 of the attachment that I found on "".)  This document is mostly geared toward 501(c)3 entities, and nearly all chapters will be 501(c)6 entities, but the basics still apply.  It includes a sample copy of the completed form. (It's so simple, you'll be shocked.  It doesn't actually ask for financial details except "Gross receipts are normally $50,000 or less" and then you are presented with a checkbox.)

If you make more money than that:

Form 990-EZ can be filed by organizations with gross receipts of less than $200,000 and total assets of less than $500,000 at the end of their tax year.
If you operate on a calendar year basis (Jan-Dec), then your return is due by May 15.
Regarding individual state tax returns, some states require them, others do not. You'll need to inquire with your state's "Secretary of State" office or similar entity.

If you have unrelated business income, you may still need to file form 990-T regardless of which tax return you have filed above.

- posted May 7, 2020

Please note, ACBS is not a tax authority and can not give tax or legal advice.  All information posted here is for reference only and any tax decisions should be confirmed with a licensed accountant or attorney.
