Volume 10 (October 2018)

Volume 10 (October 2018)

Pages 1-126 (October 2018)


A brief contextual behavioral intervention to improve relationships: A randomized trial

A brief contextual behavioral intervention to improve relationships: A randomized trial Community

A brief Acceptance and Commitment Therapy intervention for depression: A randomized controlled trial with 3-year follow-up for the intervention group

A brief Acceptance and Commitment Therapy intervention for depression: A randomized controlled trial with 3-year follow-up for the intervention group Community

A preliminary validation of the Swedish short version of the Avoidance and Fusion Questionnaire for Youth (AFQ-Y8) for children and adolescents with cancer

A preliminary validation of the Swedish short version of the Avoidance and Fusion Questionnaire for Youth (AFQ-Y8) for children and adolescents with cancer Community

Acceptance and Commitment Therapy to Promote Value Attainment Among Individuals with overweight: A multiple baseline evaluation

Acceptance and Commitment Therapy to Promote Value Attainment Among Individuals with overweight: A multiple baseline evaluation Community

An experimental comparison of two Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) values exercises to increase values-oriented behavior

An experimental comparison of two Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) values exercises to increase values-oriented behavior Community

Burnout-related ill-being at work: Associations between mindfulness and acceptance skills, worksite factors, and experienced well-being in life

Burnout-related ill-being at work: Associations between mindfulness and acceptance skills, worksite factors, and experienced well-being in life Community

Complexity of emotion regulation strategies in changing contexts: A study of varsity athletes

Complexity of emotion regulation strategies in changing contexts: A study of varsity athletes Community

Early sudden gains in an acceptance and values-based intervention: Effects on treatment outcome for depression and psychological flexibility

Early sudden gains in an acceptance and values-based intervention: Effects on treatment outcome for depression and psychological flexibility Community

Experimental manipulation of emotion regulation self-efficacy: Effects on emotion regulation ability, perceived effort in the service of regulation, and affective reactivity

Experimental manipulation of emotion regulation self-efficacy: Effects on emotion regulation ability, perceived effort in the service of regulation, and affective reactivity Community

Feasibility of contextual behavioral speech analyses of US presidents: Inaugural addresses of Bill Clinton, George W. Bush, Barack Obama, and Donald Trump, 1993–2017

Feasibility of contextual behavioral speech analyses of US presidents: Inaugural addresses of Bill Clinton, George W. Bush, Barack Obama, and Donald Trump, 1993–2017 Community

Improving relations among conservatives and liberals on a college campus: A preliminary trial of a contextual-behavioral intervention

Improving relations among conservatives and liberals on a college campus: A preliminary trial of a contextual-behavioral intervention Community

The Self-as-Context Scale: Development and preliminary psychometric properties

The Self-as-Context Scale: Development and preliminary psychometric properties Community

The evidence base of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) in psychosis: A systematic review

The evidence base of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) in psychosis: A systematic review Community

The reciprocal relations between experiential avoidance and social anxiety among early adolescents: A prospective cohort study

The reciprocal relations between experiential avoidance and social anxiety among early adolescents: A prospective cohort study Community

Validation of the Swedish Acceptance and Action Questionnaire (SAAQ) for parents of children with cancer

Validation of the Swedish Acceptance and Action Questionnaire (SAAQ) for parents of children with cancer Community

Value-guided action: Within-day and lagged relations of experiential avoidance, mindful awareness, and cognitive fusion in a non-clinical sample

Value-guided action: Within-day and lagged relations of experiential avoidance, mindful awareness, and cognitive fusion in a non-clinical sample Community