Attracting New Members

Attracting New Members

Chapters and SIGs may be curious about how to attract new members.  Here are some suggestions:

*  Maintain a Mailing List: While this may pertain more to chapters, a mailing list may include individuals who are not official members of ACBS, but yet have an interest in ACT, RFT, or CBS.  

*  Hosting an Event:  One advantage to hosting an event such as a speaker or ACT training is that you may be able to attract new individuals interested in joining your chapter or SIG.  Collecting names and email addresses is an easy way to grow a mailing list.

*  Networking at the annual ACBS World Conference:  The yearly conference is a great way to connect with others, represent your chapter/SIG, and attract new volunteers.  Consider sponsoring a symposium or panel.

*  Networking with Schools, Universities, and Training Programs: Working with local schools and training programs is a great way to recruit new members and advertise events.

*  Networking with Other Professional Organizations: Similar to above, working with other related professional organizations is also helpful.  For example, consider hosting an event that integrates with another organization, such as a CBT, psychodynamic, or educational group.

*  Specifically Encouraging New and Inexperienced Members: When advertising events, it may be helpful to be explicit in encouraging new and inexperienced individuals to attend.  Otherwise, people may assume that you need to know ACT to attend an ACT study group (assuming you want to recruit inexperienced members).
