JCBS Article: Portland Model Peer-to-Peer Consult Groups

JCBS Article: Portland Model Peer-to-Peer Consult Groups


Regular peer consultation can be an important means to continually develop clinical skills. This paper describes our journey in creating a peer consultation group aimed at helping people learn and practice Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT). Across several years, we have refined and shaped our meeting format, created documents outlining the format and roles, and begun to disseminate this model to others interested in beginning their own ACT peer consultation groups. This paper presents our model for running ACT consult groups, explains the history of it, and provides context for the choices we made in its development.
& 2015 Association for Contextual Behavioral Science. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.Brian L. Thompson a,n, Jason B. Luoma a, Christeine M. Terry b, Jenna T. LeJeune a, Paul M. Guinther a, Harold Robb

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