Messages from the ACBS Office
Messages from the ACBS OfficeMessages from the ACBS Office
On our 10th birthday...
Thank you. Thank you to our Boards, thank you to our members, thank you to our staff.
I've learned so much over the last ten years and have been so grateful to make this journey with all of you. We started out as an idea, and have become a large, diverse, questioning, energetic, and passionate organization that I am proud to be a part of.
When anyone asks me "what do you do for a living?" I get to say that "I get to work with great people and get to affect real change and help others." Not everyone can say that, but I'm thrilled that I can.
ACBS is a community effort and there are so many people responsible for our successes, but I would like to give a special thanks to our graduate student staff and office staff over the years that we have been lucky to have.
Jennifer Plumb Vilardaga
John Dehlin
Douglas Long
Kate Morrison
Brandon Sanford
(current staff:)
Ben Pierce
Fred Chin
Ashley Zebell
Courtney Zirkle
And I'd also like to thank my husband, N. Joe Rodrigues who has been "nearly" staff over the years through all of his help and support.
Here's to 10 more!
Emily Rodrigues
Executive Director (Trouble Maker in Chief)
It’s been a pleasure to get to know our members and become a part of the ACBS community the past three years on staff at ACBS. I’m proud to serve our members who truly care about helping others live a life according to their values. Thank you to the ACBS community for the past 10 years of growth, learning, and laughter.
Happy Birthday ACBS!
Ashley Zebell
Administrative Assistant (The Skipper of Smooth Sailing)
Happy Birthday ACBS!
I joined the ACBS team almost one year ago, and have spent the past 350+ days marveling at what a wonderful community I get to work with. The work the ACBS members are doing, well as the values they promote are truly awe-inspiring. This year has provided me with meaningful and fulfilling work, and for that I am very grateful.
Thank you to the community of members for your patience and kindness. It is a privilege to work here, and I cannot wait for the next birthday!
Courtney Zirkle
Administrative and Social Media Assistant (Ambassador of Buzz)