ACT for HIV-related Stigma and Shame

ACT for HIV-related Stigma and Shame

The case study this protocol resulted in is not yet in print, though a description and theoretical elaboration will be presented in:

Skinta, M.D. (n.d.). Acceptance and compassion-based approaches for invisible shame: Working with sexual minorities and chronic illness. In A. Masuda (Ed.), Cultural issues in acceptance and mindfulness-based approaches. Oakland: New Harbinger Publications. In press (anticipated Spring 2014).

As noted in the front matter, this manual was largely drawn from existing protocols and adapted for a focus on HIV.  By drawn from, I mean cut-and-paste was widely used, with revisions made for content, as this originally was intended as only a conversation piece between the co-therapists.  Given the number of requests backchannel in the year since, however, it seems it may be useful to share in this forum.  For this reason, the manual content itself should not be considered original work of Skinta or Wells, but rather an adoption of both the Self-Stigma and Shame in Substance Addictions Manual on this page, as well as Eifert and Forsyth's ACT for Anxiety Disorders and Dahl et al's The Art and Science of Valuing in Psychotherapy

Even within our pilot, this was an evolving work, with different techniques explored and shared.  For further information, or excited and lively conversation about working with HIV-affected communities with ACT, please contact Matthew Skinta.

Matthew Skinta PhD

Farsi/Persian version of the file adopted for Iranian Population - راهنمای درمان گزوهی پذیزش و تعهد (ACT)بزای کاهش شزم مبتلایان به HIV مثبت

Farsi/Persian version of the file adopted for Iranian Population - راهنمای درمان گزوهی پذیزش و تعهد (ACT)بزای کاهش شزم مبتلایان به HIV مثبت

راهنمای درمان گزوهی پذیزش و تعهد (ACT)بزای کاهش شزم مبتلایان به HIV مثبت
