Functional Contextualism: A radically behaviorist and pragmatic proposal to predict and control private events (in Spanish but easy to translate)

Functional Contextualism: A radically behaviorist and pragmatic proposal to predict and control private events (in Spanish but easy to translate)

The original title is: “Una propuesta radicalmente conductista y pragmática para predecir y controlar los eventos privados”. This is the ppt (in Spanish) that I made and used to give an introductory 3-hours class about Functional Contextualism (April 23rd) as part of the training in third-wave behavior therapies organized for Juan Pablo Colletti in Buenos Aires - Argentina (2012). The presentation doesn't have many words so it's not so hard to translate it if you are interested in using it. Anyway, I'll try to do it soon.

This ppt presentation is organized as a creative hopelessness session applied to scientific behavior because my objective was to sensibilize attendants to what they value as therapists/scientists, what they actually do and what is the proposal of functional contextualism, so they can assume this view of science if they value it.

This presentation should be complemented with a doc that is still in process. In that document, there are all the terms and figures which were explained verbally during the conference but now they are put by written, so attendants can read them after the class/conference. I hope I upload it soon.

I recommend to use power point 2010 version so the slides won't loss their configuration.

You can find more references in my blog (in Spanish, but with a google translate tool).

Manuel Garayar