ACT brief handouts for clients

ACT brief handouts for clients

I've put together a few handouts for students at the University of New South Wales, Australia. Whilst they were originally designed with students in mind the content is relevant for older adolescents to adults. Topics include: stress and anxiety, low mood / depression, relationships, mindfulness meditation, healthy lifestyle / choices with awareness, "getting unhooked from difficult thoughts" and writing oneself a letter from the future. They are intended as a brief reminder of workshop material (or session discussions) or to be used as a stand alone summary of skills. Feel free to share as appropriate.

louise shepherd

ACT Change Plan

ACT Change Plan

This form is a way to list values, things that can't change, and things the client is willing to commit to.  This is good early in treatment (when the client is coming with the intent to "get rid of" something.
