Drexel Defusion Scale (DDS)

Drexel Defusion Scale (DDS)

Evan M. Forman, James D. Herbert, Adrienne S. Juarascio, Peter D. Yeomans, John A. Zebell, Elizabeth M. Goetter Ethan Moitra (2012) The Drexel defusion scale: A new measure of experiential distancing. Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science, 1(1–2), 55-65. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jcbs.2012.09.001  The Drexel Defusion Scale (DDS) is in Appendix Table A1.


DDS in Turkish

DDS in Turkish

Aydın, G , Güneri, O . (2021). The Drexel Defusion Scale: Reliability and Validity of the Turkish Version. Sakarya University Journal of Education, 11(1) , 67-82. http://doi.org/10.19126/suje.770582
