Mindful Attention Awareness Scale (MAAS)

Mindful Attention Awareness Scale (MAAS)

The Mindful Attention Awareness Scale (MAAS) is a 15 item measure assessing mindfulness of moment to moment experience. 

Reference: Brown, K. W., & Ryan, R. M. (2003). The benefits of being present: Mindfulness and its role in psychological well-being. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 84(4), 822-848.


MAAS - Arabic

MAAS - Arabic

Marei S. Younes &  Mohammed R. Alzahrani (2018) Could Resilience and Flourishing be Mediators in the Relationship between Mindfulness and Life Satisfaction for Saudi College Students? A Psychometric and Exploratory Study. Journal of Educational and Psychological Studies, 12(4), 708-723. https://doi.org/10.24200/jeps.vol12iss4pp708-723


MAAS - Chinese

MAAS - Chinese

Black, D. S., Sussman, S., Johnson, C. A., & Milam, J. (2012). Psychometric Assessment of the Mindful Attention Awareness Scale (MAAS) Among Chinese Adolescents. Assessment, 19(1), 42–52. https://doi.org/10.1177/1073191111415365

Deng, YQ., Li, S., Tang, YY. et al. (2012) Psychometric Properties of the Chinese Translation of the Mindful Attention Awareness Scale (MAAS). Mindfulness 3, 10–14. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12671-011-0074-1

Chen, S., Cui, H., Zhou, R., and Jia, Y. (2012). Revision and reliability and validity of the Mindfulness Attention Awareness Scale (MASS). Chin. J. Clin. Psych. 20, 148–151. DOI: 10.16128/j.cnki.1005-3611.2012.02.024


MAAS - Danish

MAAS - Danish

Jensen, C. G., Niclasen, J., Vangkilde, S. A., Petersen, A., & Hasselbalch, S. G. (2016). General inattentiveness is a long-term reliable trait independently predictive of psychological health: Danish validation studies of the Mindful Attention Awareness Scale. Psychological Assessment, 28(5), e70–e87. https://doi.org/10.1037/pas0000196


MAAS - Dutch

MAAS - Dutch

de Bruin, E.I., Zijlstra, B.J.H., van de Weijer-Bergsma, E. et al. (2011) The Mindful Attention Awareness Scale for Adolescents (MAAS-A): Psychometric Properties in a Dutch Sample. Mindfulness, 2, 201–211. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12671-011-0061-6


MAAS - Estonian

MAAS - Estonian

Seema, R., Quaglia, J.T., Brown, K.W. et al. (2015) The Estonian Mindful Attention Awareness Scale: Assessing Mindfulness Without a Distinct Linguistic Present Tense. Mindfulness, 6, 759–766. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12671-014-0314-2


MAAS - Finnish

MAAS - Finnish

Suvi Naukkarinen, Petri Karkkola, Matti Kuittinen & Hannu Räty (2016). Suomenkielisen MAAS-mittarin psykometrinen rakenne ja yhteydet persoonallisuuspiirteisiin sekä hyvinvointiin. PSYKOLOGIA, 51 (05).


MAAS - French

MAAS - French

Jermann, F., Billieux, J., Larøi, F., d'Argembeau, A., Bondolfi, G., Zermatten, A., & Van der Linden, M. (2009). Mindful Attention Awareness Scale (MAAS): Psychometric properties of the French translation and exploration of its relations with emotion regulation strategies. Psychological Assessment, 21(4), 506–514. https://doi.org/10.1037/a0017032

Adaptation de "Mindfulness Attention Awareness Scale" de Brown & Ryan (2003) inclus dans le livre de "ACT for anxiety disorders" de Eifert & Forsyth (2005). Le questionnaire est accessible en devenant membre d'ACT. Cette version française du questionnaire n'a pas été validée et il est le résultat d'une adaptation personnelle. Il n'a donc pas passé par toutes les étapes de traductions habituelles. Je l'utilise comme moyen d'orienter plus précisément la thérapie ou comme outil thérapeutique. Il ne peut donc pas être utilisé dans le cadre de recherche scientifique. Login to your ACBS account to see the attachment.


MAAS - German

MAAS - German

Michalak, J. & Heidenreich, T. & Ströhle, G. (2008). Die deutsche Version der Mindful Attention and Awareness Scale (MAAS) Psychometrische Befunde zu einem Achtsamkeitsfragebogen. Zeitschrift Fur Klinische Psychologie Und Psychotherapie - Z KLIN PSYCHOL PSYCHOTHERY, 37, 200-208. http://doi.org/10.1026/1616-3443.37.3.200 


MAAS - Greek

MAAS - Greek

Mantzios, M., Wilson, J.C. & Giannou, K. (2015) Psychometric Properties of the Greek Versions of the Self-Compassion and Mindful Attention and Awareness Scales. Mindfulness, 6, 123–132. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12671-013-0237-3


MAAS - Hungarian

MAAS - Hungarian

Simor, P., Petke, Z., & Köteles, F. (2013) Measuring pre-reflexive consciousness: The Hungarian validation of the Mindful Attention Awareness Scale (MAAS). Learning & Perception, Volume 5, Issue Supplement-2. https://doi.org/10.1556/lp.5.2013.suppl2.2


MAAS - Italian

MAAS - Italian

Mindful Attention Awareness Scale (MAAS)

Brown, K. W., & Ryan, R. M. (2003). The benefits of being present: Mindfulness and its role in psychological well-being. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 84(4), 822-848.

Traduzione Italiana (2.0) a cura di Lijoi, E., Ristè, N., Melchiorri, E., Rossi, E., Violini, P., Violini, P., (2014) AISCC, Gruppo Ricerca ACT.

Rabitti, E., Miselli, G., and Moderato, P. (2013). Misurare la capacità di restare in contatto con il momento presente: la validazione italiana della mindful attention awareness scale. Psicoterapia Cognitiva e Comportamentale, 19, 323-339.

Referenza bibliografica: Violini, P., Lijoi, E., Ristè, N., Rossi, E., Melchiorri, E., Panzera, A., (2014). Reliability and Validity of an Italian version of the Mindful Attention Awareness Scale (MAAS) for Youth. Poster presented at ACBS World Conference 12 Poster Session - Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA - June 17-22, 2014. 

Per informazioni: segreteria@aiscc.it – www.aiscc.it 

anna bianca pr…

MAAS - Japanese

MAAS - Japanese

Masahiro Fujino, Shogo Kajimura, Michio Nomura (2015) Development and Validation of the Japanese Version of the Mindful Attention Awareness Scale Using Item Response Theory Analysis. The Japanese Journal of Personality, 24(1), 61-76.  https://doi.org/10.2132/personality.24.61


MAAS - Korean

MAAS - Korean

Kwon Sun-joung, Kim Kyung-heon. (2007) 한국판 마음챙김 주의 알아차림 척도 (K-MAAS)의 타당화 연구 [Validation of the Korean Version of Mindful Attention Awareness Scale (K-MAAS)]. Journal of Korean Psychology: Health, 12, 1, 269-287.


MAAS - Malay

MAAS - Malay

Phang, C.-K., Mukhtar, F., Ibrahim, N. & Mohd. Sidik, S. (2016). Mindful Attention Awareness Scale (MAAS): factorial validity and psychometric properties in a sample of medical students in Malaysia. The Journal of Mental Health Training, Education and Practice, 11(5), 305-316. https://doi.org/10.1108/JMHTEP-02-2015-0011

Zainal, N.Z., Nor-Aziyan, Y., & Subramaniam P. (2015) Psychometric properties of the Malay-translated Mindfulness, Attention and Awareness Scale (MAAS) in a group of nursing students in Malaysia. Malaysian J Psychiatry, 24(1). https://www.mjpsychiatry.org/index.php/mjp/article/view/352


MAAS - Polish

MAAS - Polish

Radoń, S. (2014). Walidacja Skali Świadomej Obecności [VALIDATION OF THE POLISH VERSION OF MINDFUL ATTENTION AWARENESS SCALE]. Studia Psychologica: Theoria et praxis, 14(1), 50-69.


MAAS - Portguese

MAAS - Portguese

Gregório, S., & Pinto-Gouveia, J. (2013). Mindful attention and awareness: Relationships with psychopathology and emotion regulation. The Spanish Journal of Psychology, 16, 1-10. http://doi.org/10.1017/sjp.2013.79 


MAAS - Serbian

MAAS - Serbian

The Mindful Attention Awareness Scale (MAAS) Serbian Translation can be found on the Repository of psychological instruments in Serbian [Repozitorijum psiholoških instrumenata na srpskom jeziku] (REPOPSI). http://mfr.de-1.osf.io/render?url=https://osf.io/46gq5/?direct%26mode=render%26action=download%26mode=render


MAAS - Slovenian

MAAS - Slovenian

Černetič Mihael (2016). The relationship between anxiety and mindfulness: The role of mindfulness facets, implicit anxiety, and the problem of measuring anxiety by self-report. Psihologija, 49(2), 169-183. https://doi.org/10.2298/PSI1602169C


MAAS - Spanish

MAAS - Spanish

Soler, J., Tejedor, R., Feliu-Soler, A., Pascual, J.C, Cebolla, A., Álvarez, E., & Pérez, V. (2012). Propiedades psicométricas de la versión española de la escala Mindful Attention Awareness Scale (MAAS) [Psychometric properties of the Spanish versión of the Mindful Attention Awareness Scale (MAAS)]. Actas Españolas de Psiquiatría, 40, 18-25.

Barajas, S. & Garra, L. (2014). Mindfulness and psychopathology: Adaptation of the Mindful Attention Awareness Scale (MAAS) in a Spanish sample. Mindfulness y psicopatología: adaptación de la escala de conciencia y atención plena (MAAS) en una muestra española. Clínica y Salud, 1, 49-56. https://doi.org/10.1016/S1130-5274(14)70026-X  The Spanish MAAS translation is in the Appendix.


MAAS - Swedish

MAAS - Swedish

Erling Hansen, Lars‐Gunnar Lundh, Anders Homman & Margit Wångby‐Lundh (2009). Measuring Mindfulness: Pilot Studies with the Swedish Versions of the Mindful Attention Awareness Scale and the Kentucky Inventory of Mindfulness Skills. Cognitive Behaviour Therapy, 38(1), 2-15. http://doi.org/10.1080/16506070802383230


MAAS - Turkish

MAAS - Turkish

Catak, P.D. (2012). The Turkish Version of Mindful Attention Awareness Scale: Preliminary Findings. Mindfulness, 3, 1–9. https://doi/org/10.1007/s12671-011-0072-3 The MAAS Turkish Translation is in Table 2.


MAAS - Urdu

MAAS - Urdu

Amna Ajmal & Syeda Shahida Batool (2020) Psychometric Properties of the Urdu Translation of Mindfulness Attention Awareness Scale (MAAS) in Pakistan. SJESR, 3(2). https://doi.org/10.36902/sjesr-vol3-iss2-2020(190-197)
