AAQ-ABI (acquired brain injury)

AAQ-ABI (acquired brain injury)

The AAQ-ABI is a 9 item scale assessing both acceptance and avoidance of thoughts that may arise as a result of brain injury. It uses a 5-point Likert scale (0=’not at all true’ to 4=’very true’) with scores ranging from 0 to 36. Higher scores indicate greater psychological inflexibility. The AAQ-ABI correlates highly with the Acceptance and Action Questionnaire-II (AAQ-II) (rs= .70, N= 75, p< .01) (Whiting et al., in press).


Faulkner, J.W., Snell, D.L., Theadom, A., Mahon, S., Barker-Collo, S. & Skirrow, P. (2021) Psychological flexibility in mild traumatic brain injury: an evaluation of measures. Brain Injury, 35(9), 1103-1111, DOI: 10.1080/02699052.2021.1959062

Whiting, D. L., Deane, F. P., Ciarrochi, J., McLeod, H. J., & Simpson, G. K. (2015). Validating measures of psychological flexibility in a population with acquired brain injury. Psychological Assessment, 27(2), 415–423. https://doi.org/10.1037/pas0000050


AAQ-ABI - Dutch

AAQ-ABI - Dutch

Rauwenhoff, J., Peeters, F., Bol, Y., & Van Heugten, C. (2021). Measuring psychological flexibility and cognitive defusion in individuals with acquired brain injury. Brain Injury, 35(10), 1301-1307. DOI: 10.1080/02699052.2021.1972155
